With cell phone use rising and traditional copper landlines disappearing, Rescue Phone has added more features to its negotiator telephone system capabilities.  The new QUAD allows contact with a barricaded person using home phone service, cell phone, throw phone or line capture from a position of safety. Everything necessary for negotiations, audio recording and command monitoring is included and it all stores in the console case.  A 1,000 foot wire spool and Pelican protected throw phone completes the system package.  The QUAD incorporates BLUETOOTH wireless technology eliminating the need to find a landline equipped house in the middle of the night.  Rescue Phone has added a TPI message input jack so the barricaded person hears a prerecorded message from a friend or family member instead of a risky, live conference call.  The QUAD can be enhanced with Rescue Phone’s Sentinel Video System that gives SWAT and command personnel a live video feed from inside the incident scene.

Rescue Phone is owned and operated by Sergeant Sam Hicks (RET).  He began his law enforcement career in 1969 and is a 23 year veteran of the Prince George’s County (MD) Police Department.  In 1980 he graduated from a two week training course in Hostage Negotiations.  Shortly afterwards he was appointed as the department’s first Hostage and Barricade Communications Specialist certified under Maryland law.  Over the past 32 years he has provided negotiator telephones and training for numerous state and local departments as well as federal agencies including the FBI, ATF, DHS and over 25 foreign countries through the US Department of State.  Over the years he has served as a communications consultant and has provided equipment for various movies and television shows including ‘The Negotiator’ and ‘The Kill Point’.

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